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Department of Psychological Sciences
Research Facilities

The Department of Psychological Sciences is housed on two floors of Thach Hall on the Auburn University campus. In addition, the Department operates the Psychological Services Center (AUPSC) which is housed in the exquisitely renovated and newly equipped Cary Hall. The AUPSC is a controlled setting for applied clinical research.

Other notable facilities available at Auburn are the department's animal and human research laboratories. A number of the labs, in which clinical students conduct research, are equipped with videotaping capabilities, interactive computer stations, psychophysiological apparatus, setups for analog behavioral research, and internet access. Most of these research facilities are also located in Cary Hall. Several faculty are involved in research at the Auburn University Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Research Center.

Auburn's Ralph B. Draughon Library is committed to meeting the standards of the Association of Research Libraries and features extensive journal and book holdings, electronic and full-text databases, professional support personnel and modern facilities.